LCX Ensuring Trust in
Tokenization as a Licensed
Physical Validator

A Physical Validator ensures the value and security of tokenized assets by confirming their existence and ownership. LCX is the first globally certified Physical Validator under the Liechtenstein Blockchain Act, providing trust and compliance in asset tokenization.

Protecting Digital
Ownership & Safeguarding
Tokenized Rights

A Physical Validator confirms the authenticity of assets tied to tokens and ensures their secure storage. LCX’s role guarantees that tokenized rights are enforced, providing transparency and security for investors.

Raising the Bar - Ensuring
Security in the Tokenized
Asset Revolution

In December 2022, LCX became the first globally certified Physical Validator under the Liechtenstein Blockchain Act. This milestone positions LCX as a trusted leader in ensuring transparency and security for tokenized assets.

Why Choose Tiamonds?
Discover the Key Benefits
of Tokenized Diamonds


LCX guarantees that every tokenized asset is authenticated and validated, backed by real-world diamonds.

Token Rights

Secure and enforceable ownership rights are guaranteed through LCX’s regulatory compliance.


Tiamonds ensures full traceability of your diamond, from its country of origin to your ownership, guaranteeing it is conflict-free and ethically sourced.

Asset Storage

Your assets are securely stored in high-security vaults, protected, monitored and audited yearly.

Seamless Asset Control

LCX oversees the management of your tokenized assets, ensuring their long-term security and value.

Offering Transparency

Tiamonds provides complete transparency in all processes, allowing you to trust the integrity of your investment.

Tokenizing Diamonds
with Full Compliance

With LCX, Tiamonds makes diamond tokenization secure, compliant, and easily tradable in the digital world.

Innovating Blockchain
with Physical Validation

LCX is driving the future of tokenized assets through regulatory compliance and innovation. Projects like Tiamonds showcase the potential of securely integrating physical assets into the blockchain.